The Evolution of Resort Design Trends

Design Resources

The Evolution of Resort Design Trends


In the pursuit of luxury, resort designs provide an intricate blend of art, science, and splendor. As a haven of relaxation, resorts have developed significantly over the years which we can pinpoint by the change in consumer preferences, architectural innovations, and environmental consciousness. Join us as we delve into the journey of trends and design in the ever-evolving landscape of the aquatic world.

Focusing On Sustainability

In years past, many resort designs prioritized extravagance, opulence, and a “more is definitely better” mentality. However, the travelers in our current decade are much more environmentally conscious than their predecessors, desiring escape from their ordinary life without compromising their views on the world. Those who specialize in resort design now work to incorporate sustainable practices and materials into their finished projects.

This includes features like energy-efficient lighting, renewable energy sources, eco-friendly building materials, and water conservation measures. Architects and contractors alike understand that balance between the design and the existing landscape are crucial for not only aesthetics but as an ethical responsibility. 

Integrating with Nature  

A large change in consumer behavior is how individuals are seeking resorts that blend together design with the natural environment and surroundings. This shift has allowed architects to craft designs that honor the landscape and natural elements already present.

With this integration, spaces involve the use of open-air structures, locally sourced materials, and minimalistic design elements to let nature take the spotlight. Integrating layout with nature also includes considering the resort’s footprint on the environment and creating a design that lives in harmony and flows seamlessly rather than dominating the surrounding landscape. 

Wellness and Spa Retreats

With wellness tourism on the rise, resorts are focusing on trends reflecting this shift in preferences. Architects and designers are prioritizing the integration of spa and wellness materials and facilities in resorts to create a peaceful sanctuary of rejuvenation and relaxation. 

While resorts made strides in the past to incorporate these features, the present day tourist industry has held a heavy hand on this change. These spaces typically feature meditation pavilions, high-end spa facilities, and tranquil gardens or bodies of water. Resorts looking to incorporate more health and wellness may seek our architects with expertise in designing spaces that promote physical and mental health.

Personalized Experiences

Resorts are drifting away from their one-size-fits-all approach and wholeheartedly embracing personalization to create a unique user experience. Spaces to include personalized touches in resorts include room layout, private plunge pools, and in-room amenities. 

And with dining, culture, and traditions, resorts have shifted their priorities once more. While focusing on a large dining facility for everyone to enjoy at once was pivotal for many resort owners, now designers are focusing on authentic encounters through cultural centers, outdoor gathering spaces, and more intimate dining areas.

Technological Advancements

An emerging contemporary trend is incorporating technology into multiple facets of a guest’s experience during their stay. Designers are now integrating small technology for convenience and security by including energy-efficient climate control systems in rooms, keyless entry, and automated lighting and entertainment systems. 

Some advanced designs may even incorporate sustainable technology including rainwater harvesting and solar power generation to reduce their environmental impact. 


How resort design trends have changed over the years is directly correlated to the changing tastes of travelers and adventures. As the resort industry continues to change and grow, designers and architects will play a centralized role in shaping the future of where luxury meets consciousness and experiences. 


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Best Practices of Municipal Pool Facilities

ADI Insights

Best Practices of Municipal Pool Facilities


Offering residents a place to cool off, stay healthy, and build social connections? May we suggest a municipal swimming pool! These vital hubs of community life are not just places to swim; they’re known as architectural marvels which require careful design, planning, and management. 

Let’s explore the best practices for these facilities and focus on how the right design can shape your space’s success and longevity as a community asset.

Community Engagement and Assessment

Setting the foundation for a successful municipal pool facility starts with our team assessing the community engagement. Our team collaborates closely with the local community to understand their preferences, needs, and expectations with this new feature. A sophisticated approach involves us conducting surveys, hosting meetings, and gathering the valued input from stakeholders and investors. 

Our initial front-end work ensures your design aligns with the community’s goals, values, and addresses issues including family-friendly amenities, programming diversity, and full accessibility.

Alberca Olímpica ubicada en Campus Náinari.

Inclusive and Accessible

We understand that municipal pool facilities need to be in compliance with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to cater to the wide range of community members who will use it. By incorporating universal design principles, we can ensure the facility is welcoming to all including those with disabilities, elderly, and other unique needs

These considerations include accessible paths, ramps, and lifts for entry into the pool. Other features like zero-entry pools, splash pads, and adaptive equipment means more can enjoy these communal spaces.

Safety Infrastructure

Designing with safety in mind is paramount for all our projects, and municipal pools are no expectation to the rule. Advanced features including high-quality surveillance systems and emergency response protocols can be incorporated into the design, but others to consider include lifeguard stations (if applicable), appropriate signage, and clear visibility of the entire area.

Beyond what you can see, our team thinks of factors like water quality, filtration and sanitation systems to ensure the health of pool users. 

Using the Space Available

A precious commodity in the aquatics world is space – especially for municipal pool facilities. Our team knows how to maximize the space available to create versatile areas to accommodate activities including lap swimming, recreational play, and water aerobics. To create a functional design and layout, our approach involves the careful placement of amenities including restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, and concession areas that optimize the flow of bodies while minimizing congestion.

Civic Plaza

Efficient and Sustainable

In today’s world, sustainable design practices are not just trends: they’re necessities. Together, we prioritize energy-efficiency whether it’s through lighting, heating, or cooling systems to reduce operational costs and environmental impact – saving you money in the long run. We also consider environmentally friendly materials including low-impact building materials and pool water treatment systems to minimize chemical usage.

Community, Aesthetics, and Bringing it All Together

While it’s not just about looks (come on, don’t be shallow), aesthetics play a significant role in the design of municipal pools as these facilities often stand out as community landmarks. At ADI, we create designs that reflect the unique characteristics and identity of the local community and involve incorporating local art, landscape, and architectural elements as much as we’re able to. 


We believe that municipal pool facilities are more than just places to swim – they become community treasures and enrich the lives of residents. If you and your local community are ready to take the leap to install facilities that fit your area, let’s talk more about how we can breathe life into your vision. Contact us today.


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Understanding the Architect’s Role in Swimming Pool Design

Design Resources

Understanding the Architect’s Role in Swimming Pool Design


Detailed pool designs, water features, and outdoor aquatic areas have long been held as symbols of luxury, leisure, and architectural elegance. With serene blue waters nestled in lush landscapes to elevate an already beautiful landscape with water features, creating a haven of relaxation and recreation is our specialty. 

But the creation of a functional aquatic zone isn’t as easy as digging a hole in the ground and filling it up with water. It requires a firm understanding of design principles, functionality, and aesthetics, making the role of our design team indispensable throughout the process. In fact, our team work closely with each client to decide on the overall design of development documents, layout, goals, etc. We act on our client’s behalf to ensure the contractor builds and installs exactly what was designed originally. 

Here we’ll dive into the intricate world of design, focusing on the critical role architects play in crafting their water oasis. While we’re not the builders or construction guys, our design engineering is truly the foundation of a successful project!

Vision Vs. Reality

To put it simply, our design team are the visionaries behind every swimming pool design. We start off by listening to the desires and preferences of our clients and learn what their overarching goal for their project is. These first steps in our initial consultation will continue to shape the design philosophy and ideas that will guide the project from start to finish.

At ADI, we understand that your design is not a standalone feature but an integral part of the overall landscape and vision you hold. We’ll consider factors including the property’s topography, existing structures, and environmental conditions to integrate your aquatic idea into its surroundings. All our decisions, from the shape and size to the materials and color palette, must coordinate with the existing landscape, architecture, and natural elements.

The Balance of Functionality and Beauty

A true defining characteristic of a skilled architect is their ability to find a balance between aesthetics and function. After all, who wants a water feature or a municipal pool that isn’t functional and safe? 

Our team focuses on carefully choosing materials to enhance appearances while ensuring durability and ease of maintenance for the client. We explore multiple design elements such as lighting, landscaping, and water features to create a visually appealing ambiance. But it’s not just that, we consider depth, circulation, and filtration systems to guarantee an overall enjoyable experience.

Considering Environmental Sustainability

As we work to preserve our world and focus on sustainable solutions, our paramount concern is creating not only beautiful spaces but also introducing the latest trends and technologies for eco-friendly designs.

Together with our client, we’ll explore options such as energy-efficient pumps, variable media filtration methods, and dissolved oxygen systems in concert with eco-friendly chemicals to minimize the environmental impact. Our crew will consider the water source and drainage solutions to reduce water waste and align our designs with sustainable principles. We want to leave your property and environment better than we found it, and we know we can!

Navigating Requirements (so you don’t have to)

While focusing on function and aesthetics is a large part of our job, we also are heavily involved in navigating a labyrinth of regulations, permits, and paperwork. Our designers play a crucial role in making sure your project adheres to local building codes and safety regulations. 

Together, we work closely with regulatory bodies to get the correct permit and approvals. We’ll assist with preparing documentation required for construction bids and oversee project steps to ensure it stays true to the previously approved design.


At ADI, we like to think of ourselves as the linchpin to transform visions into a gorgeous reality. Our role extends far beyond just “drawing up something nice” and advances into advancers of functionality, sustainability, and safety. 

Curious how we can create some architectural brilliance for you? Dive into our design process and contact ADI today.


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